Maca root is a food that has been used for centuries in Peru to boost energy, and it is also being studied for its ability to help people lose weight.
Maca roots are a member of the genus Lepidium, which is part of the brassica family. The plant looks like a large radish with thick, white roots. It grows on a tuberous rootstock, which is found underground.
The maca plant is native to South America and has been grown there for thousands of years. Maca was traded across the Andes Mountains from the Incas up until the early 1900s.
In modern times, maca is cultivated in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Most of the maca that’s grown today is not from wild plants but rather from hybridized varieties that have been selected for their high-quality taste and nutritional value.
Bestes Maca Pulver root contains an amino acid called lepidine, which is known as “the superfood” because it helps increase stamina and endurance while lowering stress levels and improving moods.
What effects does maca root have on women?
According to studies, maca helps ease the symptoms of postmenopausal women’s fluctuating hormone levels. One study found that this vitamin affected hormone levels because women said their symptoms had improved as a result.
Here are four magical health benefits you can get by eating maca root:
1. Boosts Mood and Energy Levels
One of the most exciting uses of maca root is its ability to improve your mood. When you feel stressed out or exhausted, maca root is an excellent way to give yourself a boost. This root contains L-Dopa, a naturally occurring chemical that works like caffeine without the jitters.
Research shows that this specific compound stimulates dopamine production. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that regulates your body’s desire to move forward. If you’re feeling down, maca root can help stimulate your brain’s dopamine production so you feel more energized.
There is some evidence that maca root may also be helpful for those who suffer from depression. One study conducted at McMaster
University in Canada showed that maca improved depressive symptoms in women suffering from postpartum depression.
Because of its calming effects, maca root may also have potential for treating anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).
2. Helps You Lose Weight
Another benefit of maca root is that it can help you lose weight. In fact, maca root has a higher concentration of L-Dopa than any other food source on the planet. L-Dopa is responsible for increasing the amount of available dopamine in your brain, so it makes sense that it would have a positive effect on weight loss.
When you eat maca root, your body converts the L-Dopa into dopamine. Your brain then sends the signal to your stomach to release insulin, which triggers fat cells to break down and use the energy they contain to fuel your body instead of storing them as fat.
If you want to add maca to your diet, make sure you only consume powdered maca root. Maca root is rich in nutrients, but it is also very dense, so it is best eaten in small amounts.
Although maca root is typically consumed in powder form, one of the best ways to take advantage of its many benefits is to blend it into smoothies.
3. Improves Bone Health
Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to become weak and brittle. A lack of calcium can lead to osteopenia, which is a precursor to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis affects millions of women and men worldwide each year, leading to broken hips, fractures, and more serious conditions.
Many foods have been touted for their anti-osteoporotic properties, including red wine and green tea, but maca root may hold the key to helping prevent osteoporosis.
Studies show that maca root may increase bone mineral density and reduce bone fracture risk. Researchers believe that this is due to maca root’s ability to block the estrogen receptors in your body. Estrogen is a hormone responsible for maintaining healthy bones.
A study published in 2014 suggests that consuming maca root may lower testosterone levels in men. Although the researchers found no significant changes in women’s testosterone levels, women should still avoid taking maca root if they are trying to conceive a baby.
4. May Help Relieve Menopausal Symptoms
Women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s often deal with hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness as they approach menopause. These symptoms are caused by declining hormone levels, which leads to changes in temperature regulation and sexual function.
Menopause is a natural process, but when it starts too early, it can cause major problems. Fortunately, maca root may be able to help relieve these symptoms. A 2012 study published in Food & Function found that maca root had a beneficial effect on the symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.
The researchers suggest that the benefits may come from the effects of maca root on serotonin and melatonin levels. Serotonin is a neurochemical that plays a role in regulating sleep patterns and circadian rhythms. Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland in the brain and regulates our sleep cycle.
The research suggests that maca root may affect these hormones by acting directly on melatonin receptors in the hypothalamus. Another possible mechanism involves how maca root affects the adrenals, which are organs that produce cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that controls the fight-or-flight response to stress and is important during menopause.
For now, the best advice is to limit your consumption of maca root to two tablespoons per day. Consuming maca root in excess of this amount may interfere with digestion.
Even though maca root is relatively new to Western culture, it has been widely used in traditional medical practices across South America for centuries.
It is believed that the Incans ate maca root to ward off hunger and increase stamina during long hunting expeditions. Nowadays, it is popular among athletes who want to boost their performance.
Studies show that maca root may offer numerous health benefits, but it is still unclear whether maca root supplements work as well as the plant itself. Until more studies are conducted, don’t expect to see maca root listed on the label of your favorite supplement store.