If you’re playing Words with Friends, and you suspect that your opponent might be trying to cheat, there are a few things you can do to find out. First, there are several ways they could try to get around the rules of the game.
The most obvious way to cheat
If your opponent is using their phone or tablet as a “personal assistant,” it’s likely they are playing on an app that allows them to look up words for you before you play a move. This is one of the easiest ways to cheat at Words with Friends because they don’t have to worry about losing their turn.
To avoid this method of cheating, make sure you use only physical cards when playing against a friend. Look at this site for more info.
Other ways to cheat
Sometimes people will claim a word that isn’t actually in the dictionary, but is close enough so that it will show up in a search. You’ll need to know what kind of cheating your opponent is using before you take action.
For example, if your opponent starts saying “giraffe” when your turn comes up, they may be saying “giraffes” instead. If you see an unusual word come up, ask if they meant something else. Sometimes players will claim “mahalo” when they mean “thank you,” or vice versa. You should also ask whether they are having problems seeing all the letters on the card. Some players will say something like “I have a cataract” when they really mean “I have a camera.”
Cheating can sometimes come from not knowing the proper terms. For example, if you play a word meaning “tooth” and your opponent plays a card with “teeth,” they could be referring to “toothbrush” rather than “tooth.” Make sure you know the correct term for each word before you play, so that you aren’t inadvertently helping your opponent.
It’s possible for someone to cheat by simply mispronouncing a word. They may think they are saying “tiger” when they really mean “tigeress.” There are a lot of different ways to cheat, but these are the most common ones.
What to do if your opponent cheats
Once you think you’ve figured out which type of cheating your opponent is doing, it’s time to respond accordingly. If you suspect your opponent is cheating, it’s important to act quickly, since they could end up winning the game. The best thing to do is to call foul immediately. Your move doesn’t go through until you confirm that your opponent is telling the truth.
You should keep track of the word that your opponent claims, so that you can check if you won the game later. Also, if you suspect your opponent of cheating, it’s a good idea to leave them a message explaining why you did what you did. It could help them if they ever get caught cheating again.
If you’re going to accuse your opponent of cheating, make sure you have solid evidence. While you can see what your opponent has claimed, you can’t see what they haven’t claimed. So, you shouldn’t assume that they’re lying unless you have concrete proof.
One thing to remember is that the player who accuses another person of cheating usually gets to decide how to handle the situation. Don’t accuse your opponent unless you have evidence that they cheated. If you’re unsure if your opponent is cheating, ask them first.
Here are some other tips for handling accusations of cheating:
Ask your opponent if he/she used an app or device during the game. If they admit to cheating, then it’s probably safe to ban them from playing on your account.
Ask your opponent if he/she knows the correct spelling of a given word. If they admit to cheating, then it’s probably safe to ban them from playing on your account.
Ask your opponent if he/she used any devices (like a laptop) during the game. If they admit to cheating, then it’s probably safe to ban him/her from playing on your account.
Ask your opponent if he/she accidentally spelled a word wrong. If they admit to cheating, then it’s probably safe to ban him/her from playing on your account.
Before accusing your opponent of cheating, consider whether you yourself were guilty of cheating. If you were, you should apologize and explain why you did it. This will make your opponent feel better and help prevent future cheating issues.
Of course, you should always trust your instincts. If you just feel that there was something suspicious about your opponent, then you should investigate further. Remember that most games are won by chance, so even if you weren’t cheating, you still might lose. But if your opponent admits to cheating, you can rest assured that you won the game fair and square.